Saturday, March 31, 2007

Involuntary Transvestite-Man Pleads for His Penis Back, Wife Throws it to the Dog Next Door

Since we can't find any good lies this week we will have to settle for the painful truth, yet again.

Yao Fengfang from China has received a 3-year suspended sentence for severing her husband's penis because she suspected he was cheating. Her husband, Li Gengbao, requested clemency so she could care for him "for the rest of his life."

"My wife was holding a large part of my penis, and I pleaded with her to send me to hospital immediately, but she refused firmly, and when I pleaded with her to give me back the cut penis, she threw it out of the window," Li said.

Li was able to drive himself to a hospital which immediately dispatched staff to find the man's missing member. Unfortunately for Li a dog belonging to a neighbor found and consumed the penis before staff could retrieve it.

Photo Demonstration:Mattel

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